Tuesday, January 15, 2008

When I first conceive

It was not easy for me to conceive Leia. My mense has been terribly irregular, once in a few months which means that I seldom ovulate or release egg. I'd been to gynae and was prescribed Clomid and Metformine pills so that it helps to signal my brain to release the egg during the estimated period. I started to take chinese herbs as well.

My first pregnancy did not last beyond 8 weeks as the embryo was not developed properly. I had to go through a traumatic D&C to get rid of the tissues etc. This was the lowest period of my life till I manage to conceive again 3 months later. Perhaps my body was finally more ready.

The 1st trimester was really tough, coping with morning sickness makes me feel like I was trapped on a deserted island with no food. I'd lost 4kg! I counted each and every day till I finally hit 15th week. My appetite gradually became better and things were finally back to normal. The only food I like to eat was bread and Mee Siam which I don't really fancy in the past.

2nd trimester was more or less smooth like a breeze but 3rd trimester was another challenge for me - growing tummy, heavier Leia, breathlessness and backache...and I couldn't wait to hold my dearie girl in my arm.

Leia's Name

Her name was selected to be Leia Tan Lei Ya 陈蕾雅. Daddy is a toy cum figurine collector and his favourite collections consist of Batman, Spiderman as well as Star Wars' characters. He has always wanted to name his 'future' son after his favourite character Batman Bruce Wayne. So, I decided to find a female name among his collections. Eventually, "Leia" was picked from the character "Princess Leia" in Star Wars who joined force with her twin brother Luke Skywalker to conquer the dark side. I hope she'll be smart and courageous like this heroine. Her Chinese name "蕾雅" is directly translated from "Leia". I'd found a very special meaning to it. "蕾" means flower bud. "雅" means elegance. So, Leia is supposed to be an elegant little flower...which doesnt seem to be the case :P


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