Monday, October 26, 2009

'Fake' Barney Workshop at Peekaboo!

Leia and Reyes traumatised by the 'fake' Barney. Hahaha.
Why 'fake' Barney? Check out the 'pink panther' that was supposed to be Barney
Ambrose and Cayden Baby
I rather pose with my softoy Barney that looks more purple :P

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

EV's first birthday cum pre-lantern festival walking session

Polliwogs! New Children Play Area at East Coast

Leia, Asher and Keira

(Left) Group Picture (Right) Yin En and Tiffany fighting for the purple pail.

Reyden and Reyes
Sam and Tiffany
Bel, Leia and Yin En

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Daddy gets Leia addicted to Superman!

Thanks to Daddy! Ms Leia Tan is officially addicted to Superman and Batman cartoons! She will show you around Daddy's studyroom to introduce some of the comic characters. Besides bugging for Superman or Batman cartoon every single day, she keeps asking "where is Batman, where is Superman?" non-stop, can be very irritating at times.

Date with Flower Boy Caven

Leia is going to be flowergirl for the 2nd time. This time it's for Auntie Veron, Mummy's ex-colleague from StarHub. There wasn't any chemistry between the little couple as both are really active and fussing away while trying to change them. Hopefully they will interact with one another during the 2nd round of getting to know you session.

Samantha's 1st Birthday at McDonald @ King Albert Park


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